Monday, January 18, 2010

For My semester grades

This semester was difficult catching up but for next semester I would like to stay ahead and have things done on time. In order to do that I have to fully understand the assignments and know what to write about. So basically reading the instructions for each day on Moodle.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What I did over Break

Break was awesome it was so good to get away from school . I did a lot of riding and took all our sled's out. The trails opened so that was cool, and it snowed a little. Wish we woulda had more but whatever. We had like three Christmas's and celebrated with all our family. I got money, a camo, mp3, tanning minutes, my mom made me a blanket ;) i loved it! I hung out with my friends and spent alot of time with family. New years wasn't as exciting but its okay to have a low-key year every once in a while. 'better than getting into trouble that night.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I chose to do my blog assignment today on the Everest movie we watched inspired by eric, the blind man who reached the highest point of the earth being blind, and able. His crew, and he worked as a team to get the top and accomplish what they set out to do. i think this story is over critized because people look past the fact that its an amazing defeat for a blind man to do something most perfectly able sight seeing men or women wouldnt even dare to. how many obstacles he must have had to overcome and the people who would be representing, he went for it anyway. to me that just shows his dedication, heart, and courage. To me, eric is a brave, daring, bold man who is more than able to do anything a "normal" person can. god gave him his blindness for a reason and i have respect for him for going out and fufilling his destiny and doing what god planned and intended for him.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

my dad is my inspiration <3

today our assignment was to blog about the one person that comes to mind when explaining who inspires us at this point in our life. my dad is the strongest person i know, physically, mentally, and spiritually. He's the only person i know whose human and still hasn't let me down. He's the best role model and in my eyes can do anything. He never makes me feel like i'm not good enough to do anything, or for anyone. He teaches all of his kids about faith and how it's so important in our lives. he doesn't only talk it he lives it too. My dad's been through more than anyone should have had to live through. Yet GOD has used that to make him a good person. An amazing man who loves his family and everyone else like his own brother or sister. Whenever there's a squabble or conflict between anyone he always has the perfect words to make it better and really settle it. I never walk away from a situation i come to him with uneasy or unsettled. He knows me better than anyone and pretty much reads me like an open book. I love him more than anyone could love a person. He's my rock next to God and always will be. I never want to see him hurt by anyone or anything. He deserves the happiness that only his faith can bring him and im so happy he has that. My dad inspires me to be better. just better in general, and inspires me in a way that is so amazing. like i can do anything just because i have him in me and he raised me to be a winner. to be strong and to believe. I'm very loyal to my dad and the day I fail him is the day i die inside. He's the most hardoworking man, and is the best at his job. I LOVE YOU DAD !

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Digital Footprints

It's important to have a digital footprint because your getting yourself out there and into the world where things are modern and happening. To voice your opinion and have people be effected by it is a good thing. Also having experience with online can help you later in life. you shouldnt use your real name with sites that aren't protected or giving away personal information about where you live or how old you are or credit card numbers and stuff like that. its not safe. always ask an adult or someone who knows the proper computer safety rules to help you with knowing when and where is the appropriate times to do so.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Climate Change

Today we were assigned to blog about climate change. First thought of climate change initially bores me. But then I think about the polar bears dying off because the ice they need to live on is melting. So them, and their babies are dying :(In earlier research I've done I've found there's too much CO2 in the oceans and they are becoming acidic. This is also contribiuting to the earth's problems. "The Green House Effect is a program where they are developing and implementing innorate strategies to reduce the GH. of gas emissions that cause global warming and provide a postive model for the nation and the world. " -from

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Interests'

SNoMoBiling! :)

Polaris is without a doubt the best machine for sleddin'. I have A Polaris XC 500 and 440. i want the 800 so bad. I also have a utility polaris long track and an old 84' Yamaha. the shocks on that are completely shot but that thing is a little speed demand it still goes pretty fast. no mile gauge or gas gauge even haha. we just mess around with that one around the land we have at our home but we take the polaris's on the trails.